2. Workforce Diversity Training
Minutes: Mr. Tim Strong, Labor Attorney, presented the training to the School Board Members by explaining that the Clay County School Board should be all inclusive, with no one being excluded by race, ethnicity or culture.
Topics covered: Clay County School Board Policy has hiring practices and criteria to provide equal opportunity employment in place. The purpose of this process is to hire the best qualified candidates. Applicants will be interviewed to determine their qualifications, with documented reasons given for the candidate not being hired or their undesirability for the position.
Following the filing of the OCR complaint a Taskforce was established, a job fair was held and an increase in minority applicants was achieved. We have received the Voluntary Resolution Agreement from the Office of Civil Rights.
Minutes: Superintendent Wortham shared information on our schools and cost of utilities. The Student Membership-Full Time Staff Report breakdown shows Clay County's ratio of administrators to student body at 3.17%, the State ratio is 3.43%.
Clay County also met Class Size Amendment requirements.